Rules ~
-You will respect of your coaches AND other students. Your coaches are highly trained, very good coaches, but if you have any problems with them at all please PM me. Same with the other students, but all students should be respecting eachother, meaning not calling eachother names or making fun of another person. ABSOLUTELY NO BULLYING IN EMPIRE !! You WILL be exiled if it happens more than once!!
-Please leave drama at the door before stepping foot into our Empire gyms or talking on our group wall. If you have a problem with someone and it is NOT Empire related, please just try to ignore the other person. If they continue harassing you however, tell a coach/HR.
-Coaches should be hosting practices regularly. If you hosting practices regularly and I decide to do an active/inactive cleanout, chances are if you have been inactive you will be ranked down.
-No advertising on the group wall.
-No advertising in any of gymnastics119's places. (Any Empire Gymnastics gym)
-No spamming on the group wall.
-Do not PM HR's about practices, check the group shouts for practices. If theres no shout saying when the next tryouts are so far there are no tryouts planned.
-gymnastics119 currently does not do private tryouts or private lessons. Please ask another coach.
-No boyfriends, girlfriends, bestfriends, close friends, anyone that may interfere with practice. It causes way too much of a distraction. Also, if you complain about it you're being a distraction, and you will be kicked.
- We like our students staying LOYAL! Empire does not allow spies in our group, all found spies will be immediately exiled and not allowed to re-join Empire again. The found spy will also be banned from all Empire Gymnastics games.
- ALL Empire games, clothing, models, etc. are property of EMPIRE GYMNASTICS AND FITNESS INC. Please do not copy our clothing, games, models, etc. You WILL be found !~
- Do whatever I or the coaches say or be kicked. It also poses as a distraction when we're working together.
- ONLY Elites / Pre - Elites (Pre-Elites only on my permission!) allowed in the Elites gym. All others will be banned. You've been warned countless times.
- Only the staff are allowed to do the job they have been assigned. That means non - coaches are not able to tryout other people for Empire, non - coaches are not allowed to train Empire members, etc. etc.
- No hacking, exploiting, or glitching any of the gyms.
- Be good sports, if you don't win at a competition, or if someone is bad mouthing you, stick up for yourself, but be a bigger person and respond nicely(:
- Be a friend to all Empire members. After all, we are a family! If you need any help or support, we got you! ~
- Always remember ; Do your best, concentrate, take home the gold.